A Little Help Please

February 28, 2011

Packrat 2 sales have not been what I had hoped. I haven’t even seen the number of upgrades I had expected. Either the word is not getting out or people don’t need offline access anymore. If I can’t get sales going then I think I have to consider that Packrat has run its course and I need to move on to another product.

So, I am asking for your help. If you have purchased Packrat from the Mac App Store, please go there and write up a review. If you purchased from infinitenil.com, then please tweet, share on Facebook, or blog about it. If you haven’t upgraded yet, and you would like to see Packrat steadily improving then please buy a copy.

Even if you haven’t purchased Packrat or don’t like it, then please send me an email or tweet me and tell me what you didn’t like or why you didn’t buy or what would get you to buy. That will help me improve Packrat as well.

Your support keeps me motivated and helps me to be able to keep improving Packrat and developing new products that hopefully improve your life in some little way. Thanks.