How to Feel What an iPad is Like

February 1, 2010
General iPhone

This weekend I remembered some posts I had read about turning your Macbook into an eBook reader. Here they are:

The reason I was thinking of them is because I’m looking forward to getting an iPad and I’m investigating how it would look and feel by looking at my notebook of similar size and doing whatever I can to see what this device might be like.

Well, let me tell you, trying the techniques in the links above really brought it home for me. The iPad is like no other device you have used. Sure it’s like an iPhone, but the bigger screen makes it a completely different device. Turn your Macbook sideways so your screen is in your lap and the keyboard is off to your right and imagine the keyboard is not there. The screen is just begging to be touched and interacted with like a real physical thing. Using a keyboard and mouse is an indirect method of interaction. It’s like telling someone else to grab an object and do something with it. Using a large touch screen is a direct experience. You get to hold the ball in your own hands. I’m very excited about writing software for the iPad and can’t wait to get my hands on one.

An iPad version of Numerology will be in the store from day 1 and I’m investigating other ideas.