Introducing PackRat

January 2, 2006

I’ve released my second app and it’s called PackRat. You can find out more about it here.

For those of you tuning in to this blog from the Backpack forums, I wanted to say a few things. Normally, I would completely finish an app before releasing it. Ben Stiglitz provided one stimulus to release it earlier and I’ll say more about that in another post. But mostly I’ve been reading a lot and thinking about how companies relate to their customers. I’ve worked for large companies and I’ve been a customer of large companies. Generally I don’t like either one. I’ve read the Cluetrain Manifesto and opinions of other independent developers and I’ve come to agree with them.

So, I’ve decided that with PackRat it would be better to have a “conversation” with my customers and to release PackRat now, so you can actually use it (because you need it now) and together we can create an application that you will want. At the same time we’re open with each other and build trust with each other. I hope you find PackRat beneficial and I look forward to our “conversations”.