New Release of PackRat (v0.3, build 110)

February 12, 2006

I just uploaded a new version of PackRat. This version (0.3) adds the following new features:

  • Each page now has a Notes section
  • Each page now has an Emails section
  • You must now have a license to view all your pages. Without a license you can see your home page, the reminders page, and the first 4 pages.

Also the following bugs were fixed:

  • PackRat wouldn’t accept your license key
  • Dates from Backpack were interpreted in local time zone instead of GMT. You’ll need to delete your data file (~/Library/Application Support/PackRat/PackRatData) before syncing to see the correct dates.
  • No longer displays Lists section if no items
  • Fix bug in checking to see if you have the latest version
  • Fixed bug where clicking on links open web page in PackRat rather than the default browser

At this point you can see all your data except your Reminders. So we’re nearing a 1.0 release, hence the requirement now for a license. Download it and let me know what you think.