Numerology 1.6

July 6, 2009
iPhone Numerology

Numerology 1.6 is now available in the App Store. This version brings quite a few changes. They are:

  • Search: You can search for profiles and the profiles table is indexed. Just drag your finger along the side to quickly find a profile or just search for them.
  • Names: You only need to enter one name. Before there was a display name and a full name. Now you just enter the person’s birth name which is what Numerology analyzes anyway.
  • Editing: You edit a profile when viewing the profile rather than in the profile list. This makes it a little easier and straightforward on how to edit a profile.
  • Email:  You can email a complete numerology report or just a report on a specific area.
  • More Analysis: You can see your personal month and day, making Numerology useful everyday.

I hope you like these changes. I think they make Numerology much better. Emailing required code in iPhone OS 3.0 and hence Numerology requires iPhone OS 3.0. Get it here.