Numerology Survey

March 28, 2016

Do you use Numerology? Please take this short survey to help us (ok, me) make Numerology better

You may have noticed that it has been pretty quiet around here lately. That’s pretty much due to me having to get a real job to make ends meet. Making money on the app store is incredibly difficult these days. I still very much want to make a living on my own terms and I’ve decided to figure out if I can make Numerology provide that.

To help me figure that out, I’ve created the above survey. I’ve long had many questions about my customers and how they use Numerology and coming by those answers has been very difficult. I’m hoping this survey can provide me with some answers. With those answers, I hope I can determine a way to make Numerology serve my customers better and make it financially viable.

It would be much appreciated if you could fill out the survey above and perhaps provide some of those answers.

Thanks, Rod.