PackRat 0.83: Edit Pages

May 29, 2006

I’ve released a new version of PackRat. Version 0.83, build 206. Here’s the info:

New Features

  • Delete emails
  • Better reporting of uploading errors
  • Edit the page title and body
  • Rename a page by double clicking on it the list of pages

Bug Fixes

  • Now removes reminders that no longer exist when syncing
  • Pressing return in the title field of the note sheet didn’t close the dialog
  • Sync error if you created a new list then added a new item to the list

Known Bugs

  • Tags browser causes crash when draging sizer (awaiting fix in RBSplitView)
  • Help needs finishing
  • Problems syncing pages with “bad” characters, HTML tags, or quotes in titles
  • Images are not loaded if not in cache