PackRat 0.84 Build 220

June 4, 2006

I’ve just released PackRat 0.84. Mostly bug fixes, but now you can create notes and lists on a new page. You couldn’t do that before. You were stuck doing it in Backpack. Here’s the info:

New Features \

  • New menu commands to add lists and notes. This also allows adding the first list and note to a page.
  • New Action toolbar button. Pulls up menu of common actions. So far there is new list and new note.

Bug Fixes

  • UTF-8 characters such as British pound, etc. would cause Edit links to not appear
  • The title field on the note and page sheet wasn’t always selected when the sheet is first displayed.
  • If you entered two new notes the first note would take on the text of the second note Known


  • Tags browser causes crash when draging sizer (awaiting fix in RBSplitView)
  • Help needs finishing
  • Problems syncing pages with “bad” characters, HTML tags, or quotes in titles
  • Images are not loaded if not in cache
  • Backpack API Bug: Setting page body or note body to empty results in body being set to — !ruby/hash:HashWithIndifferentAccess {}. Workaround is to blank out the body using Backpack.