PackRat 0.85

June 18, 2006

PackRat 0.85 has been released. Some good bug fixes in this one. If you’ve had problems uploading your changes to Backpack, there’s a good chance this release will fix that. Another highlight is that you can now see your files and attachments on a page. You have to be online to access, but you can see what’s there.

Here’s the info:

New Features

  • Now displays a page’s files. You must be online to access them
  • Now displays a page’s images. You must be online to access them.

Bug Fixes

  • List and note titles were not converting markup to HTML
  • Tables now have borders in the page body
  • Wasn’t escaping XML characters on page before uploading to Backpack. This was causing sync errors, often reported as a can’t login error.
  • Now will handle uploading changes to a page that has been deleted in Backpack
  • No longer hangs when you sync and the selected page no longer exists
  • Backpack API Bug: Setting page body or note body to empty results in body being set to — !ruby/hash:HashWithIndifferentAccess {}. Implemented workaround

Known Bugs

  • Tags browser causes crash when draging sizer (awaiting fix in RBSplitView)
  • Help needs finishing
  • Backpack API Bug: Problems syncing pages with “bad” characters, HTML tags, or quotes in titles
  • Images are not loaded if not in cache