PackRat 0.851

June 19, 2006

Well, I released the new images feature a little too soon. Turns out I was displaying the full image rather than a thumbnail image from the Backpack site. This was really slowing things down for pages with lots of images. So here’s another release to fix this issue and a few others. Here’s the info:

Bug Fixes

  • Wasn’t using thumbnails to display images. This really slowed things down.
  • image descriptions now support markup
  • Pages wouldn’t display if the note titles were empty

Known Bugs

  • Tags browser causes crash when dragging sizer (awaiting fix in RBSplitView)
  • Help needs finishing
  • Backpack API Bug: Problems syncing pages with unicode characters, HTML/XML tags, or quotes in titles
  • Images are not loaded if not in cache
  • image thumbnails are not cached in images section