PackRat 0.92

October 29, 2006

I’ve just released version 0.92. This one fixes some annoying bugs that have been found and I felt it was important to get some fixes out to them as soon as possible. So, no, automatic syncing isn’t in this one. However, I have made some work on it and it should be in the next one.

I have added one feature though, and that is automatic update checking. PackRat will now check for a new version at startup and tell you about it if there is one.

As for bug fixes, if you’ve had problem with PackRat crashing when you try to copy or paste then you should get this version. I also fixed a few bugs with syncing after reordering a list. A bug fix that I’m happy to release and that has been bothering some of you for quite some time is now here. If you’ve had problems with typing in your username and API key in the preferences window and it not saving and not syncing then you need this fix.

Download it and give it a try.