PackRat 1.1: AppleScript & Automator

April 10, 2007

I’ve just released PackRat 1.1. As the headline says the major thing here is that PackRat is now fully scriptable via AppleScript and it now includes a Synchronize with Backpack Automator action. I’ve also added a change indicator in the footer of the Pages List that displays how many changes you have made with PackRat that are waiting to be sent up to Backpack. Some bug fixes as well. Check the release notes in the Help for the gory details.

The AppleScript support took quite a bit of work and I hope you power users find it useful. With it you can get all your Backpack data such as pages, lists, etc. You can also add new data such as reminders and list items, etc. All from a script. I expect to see somebody coming out with a Quicksilver plugin very soon.

The Automator action is for those of you who want to automate the syncing with Backpack. PackRat already automatically uploads data to Backpack. Now you can use Automator or AppleScript to periodically download data from Backpack. Use cron or launchd to fire off a script or a workflow to sync with Backpack every morning before you leave. Whatever works for you.

I hope you like it. Get it here.