PackRat 1.4 Released

October 12, 2007

I just released PackRat 1.4. This release basically brings everything up to par with Backpack 2. Syncing is faster and handles errors better. The various objects, including dividers are displayed in the same order as they are in Backpack. I know a lot of you have had syncing problems with 1.3.2. This fixes all of those, so if you’ve had syncing problems give this one a try. Backpack 2 really messed things up and I apologize for that. All that should be behind us now and I can concentrate again on adding some real value to PackRat.

I left a few things out of this release because I thought it was important to get the release out to address the syncing problems and display order. They will be coming in future releases. Some of the features coming in the future are reordering objects on the page and editing and deleting dividers.

I hope you enjoy the new release.