PackRat 1.6

March 3, 2008

There are still problems out there so I have released PackRat 1.6. This version fixes a couple more problems with syncing with reminders. In one case the Backpack API was returning the wrong error code for trying to delete a reminder that no longer exits. In another case, the Backpack API would return something undocumented when asking for reminders and there were none. PackRat now handles both of these cases.

I apologize for the frequent updates and not catching these issues. Dealing with the Backpack API can be a tricky proposition and I need a better way to deal with this. I have a test plan that I’m going to implement that will dramatically improve things.

Another change is the addition of a use SSL preference to the preferences. Before, PackRat would try to figure out whether or not you were using SSL. Now it just uses the preference. This simplifies the syncing process and speeds up synching. The default is to not use SSL. So if you are using SSL, be sure to update your preferences. PackRat will remind you of this.