Packrat 2 Released

January 5, 2011

Packrat 2 is now available here and tomorrow it will also be available on the Mac App Store. On this web site, you can download a free 30-day trial. To purchase a license, it will cost you $19.99. You can purchase a license on or right from Packrat. On the Mac App Store it will also cost you $19.99. This is an introductory price that will last till the end of January. After that, the price is going up. Consider the $19.99 price an upgrade price. This seemed the best way to do it with the Mac App Store and the fact that I switched to Fastspring. Packrat 2 adds the following new features:

  • Packrat is now a document-based application so it can support multiple Backpack accounts. Just create a document for each account.
  • Editing of page items is now inline, just like on Backpack.
  • Use drag and drop to reorder page contents.
  • Attachments and images are now downloaded when you sync so you can access them when you’re offline.
  • Packrat’s page rendering has been completely redone to allow things like inline editing and other enhancements that will come in future versions.

And Packrat still does the things it always has like:

  • Use your Backpack data offline and keep it in sync when you’re back online.
  • Uses Growl to notify you of your reminders
  • Quickly delete all your completed list items with a single click
  • Hide your completed list items to save screen real estate.
  • Integrate Packrat into your Automator actions with the Synchronize with Backpack automator action.
  • Use AppleScript to manipulate your Backpack data however you want.

I’m really excited about this release and I hope you like it.