Consulting Services

When we’re not building products, we help others solve their problems. We can help solve yours.

Just Contact us and let us know what you're looking for.

App Development

iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS

infiniteNIL can design and develop custom applications for all of Apple's platforms using Apple’s frameworks with Objective-C and Swift. We have been developing apps on Apple platforms since 2003, over 17 years. We strive to get your application running as quickly as possible with its core functionality working and then add functionality in an iterative fashion. You see the results at each stage, allowing us to get early and frequent feedback so we can make sure the application is what you really want and need.

</> Web Development


infiniteNIL can also design and develop web applications. For the front-end, we use the latest HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript, and can get the basics of the front-end part of your web app up and running. We are not a high-end UI design shop, so for that you would need to hire some designers, or we can help you find some.

For the back-end, we can use whatever technologies you prefer, but we have the most experience with Elixir.

Libraries & Tools


infiniteNIL has experience developing reusable libraries and tools to make your developers more efficient. We can create that custom component for you, so your team can concentrate on the main app functionality.

We also have experience with creating domain-specific languages and code generation tools to really accelerate your team's productivity, eliminating boilerplate work they find boring and time consuming.



infiniteNIL can train your developers to use Apple’s development platforms, and on architectural and design patterns.

Rod has presented at development conferences and user groups as well as been an instructor for an iOS development training course. He also occasionally writes about technical issues at

Problem Solving


infiniteNIL can also give you advice on any issues you’re having. We have over 30 years experience in software development.

Maybe you don’t know where to start or what the best path to your goal is? We can help you figure it out. We can also help you figure out any software development issues you may be struggling with regardless of the particular platform or tool your development team uses.



Looking for something else? Contact us and let us know what you're looking for.

We know a lot more about software development than just what's on this page. We have experience with many more programming languages and platforms such as Elixir, Clojure, Ruby, Java, and C/C++.

We have a lot of experience with the software development process and we can give you advice on your process and various methodologies.

We can help you with just about any platform and quickly get up to speed so we can help you. We love learning new things.